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Research Finding #1

Inadequate or lack of services



Research Finding #2

Fear of expressing true feelings

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Research Finding #3

Guidance and support received from other inmates

Lack of Services

Grief and loss services are not offered. There is a delayed response to receive mental health counseling when requested. The primary counselor/case manager is not experienced in grief and loss issues. Security concerns limits ability to participate in traditional bereavement rituals.



"When it first happened, I was having a really hard time sleeping and I tried to see the psych. My mom died, May 10th. I didn't get to see the psych until, May 24th." Lisa 

Fear of  Displaying Emotions

Fear of being placed in restrictive housing,  being identified as "weak" by other inmates, fear of expressing emotions, and receiving mental health services.

"I couldn't show being pissed off or upset, or angry. Because, they will put you in solitary or the mental health cottage. I showed emotion, but I wasn't overly emotional. Being emotional in prison is not the thing to do." Tee 

Supportive Peers

Individuals experiencing the loss of a loved sought guidance from other inmates that experienced loss while incarcerated. Primary support was received from a cellmate or "bunkie."

"My bunkie told me you got to just pray. You got to ask God to remove that and it is something that you have to deal with on a daily basis. Cry get it out and then you just gotta' move on." Maria

Interview With an American Correctional Association (ACA), Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Auditor

Jen Sheahan, Master of Human Services (MHS)
00:00 / 01:55

© 2020 Helena D. Lewis,Theatrical Scholar-Practitioner


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